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Typographical Errors and Hints

The Sketch of the Analytical Enigine.. uses some typgraphical conventions not common today, and there are a few apparent typographical errors.

It has been typeset anew in several places, e.g. in Charles Babbage and his CALCULATING ENGINES, edited by Philip and Emily Morrison, Dover Publications 1961, and online at All contain typographic errors:

  • Instead of nested parenthesis, parts of equations are overbarred instead, e.g. (4.) on page 716
  • In the first equations of Note E (p.684), most reprints correctly use the upper index '1' instead of the prime as in the original
  • In Note E p.714, equation 3, there is missing a cos in the second term of the right hand side; the formula should read `cos n theta * cos theta = 1/2 cos [(n+1) theta] + 1/2 cos [(n-1) theta]`. See page 723.
  • In the final diagram, in operation 4, the operands have to be exchanged: V4 has to be divided by V5
  • In the final diagram, in operation 24, the negative value of V13 has to be transferred to V24, and V13 has to be cleared according to the rule that intermediate variables have to be to set to zero finally.
