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-====== TUF-PL ======+====== TAV-PL ======
-In den letzten Jahren habe ich eine Programmiersprache mit der Bezeichung TUF-PL beschrieben und implementiert+In the last decade, I have specified and implemented an unusual programming language that fits my personal taste. 
-die meinem persönlichen Geschmack entspricht.+ 
 +**I am currently revising the language in order to publish the source code, so some details will change.** 
 +The source code is now online: [[]]. 
 +There is a [[|Tutorial]] (also as {{:tavpl:tavpl-tutorial.pdf|PDF}})  and a [[| Language Description]] (also as {{:tavpl:tavpl.pdf|PDF}}),  
 +plus a simple [[|TAV-PL playground]] to test small programs online (including more elaborate examples not in the tutorial). 
 +TAV-PL is a precompiler for the C programming languagethus it is fairly easy to port the compiler — written in TAV-PL — to most computers. 
 +The differences and highlights are: 
 +   * C precompiler, should work on any system with a reasonable C compiler 
 +   * Block structuring by indentation, like in //Python//; line oriented 
 +   * No keywords in the core language, only symbols and bigraphs 
 +   * Variables are of any kind (type) dynamically; no declarations 
 +   * Function definition and calls by word sequences with interspersed parameters, often no parenthesis needed 
 +   * Maps (dictionaries) with all kinds of keys (except floating-point numbers) 
 +   * Rows (arrays) if the keys are close integers, dynamically expanding 
 +   * Arbitrary precision integer numbers  
 +   * Dynamic UTF strings 
 +   * Fields for extra data in rows and maps 
 +   * Attributes for information about an item (object) 
 +   * Fault items for reliable error handling 
 +   * Basic support for object-oriented programming (no inheritance) 
 +   * Discretionary type system specified, but not yet tested 
 +The source code for the compiler, runtime system and library will be available as open source, if there is sufficient interest in it. 
 +If you have comments or questions, write to [[]] or try a chat with // (XMPP)
-Da ich davon ausgehe, dass Interessenten an exotischen Programmiersprachen des Englischen mächtig sind, gibt es nur eine  
-[[en:tafpl:inhalt|englische Version]]. 

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