====== References und Links ====== Following references and links are a subjective selection: Dorothy Stein: //Ada: a life and legacy//. \\ The MIT Press, Cambridge MA und London, 1985. ISBN 0-262-19242-X. Betty Alexandra Toole: //Ada, the Enchantress of Numbers, Prophet of the Computer Age//.\\ Strawberry Press, 1992, ISBN 0-912-64718-3. Sydney Padua: //The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage//.\\ Pantheon Books, New York 2015 \\ See [[http://2dgoggles.com/]] (incl. large collection of [[https://www.diigo.com/outliner/4232ob/Lovelace-and-Babbage--Period-Documents?key=egouoj2gks|documents of that period]]).\\ She created a 3D-Model and explains it in a video: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fyUtU6LVNY]] F. L. Menabrea: //Sketch of the Analytical Engine invented by// Charles Babbage. \\ Scientific Memoirs Vol. III, p.666-732, Taylor, London 1843. (Translation of the French original with extensive new notes by A.A.L).\\ A facsimile scan is available at [[https://archive.org/stream/scientificmemoir03memo#page/666/mode/2up|archive.org]]; I made a better readable version without background: {{:analyticalengine:menabrea_lovelace1843_analyticalengine.pdf|menabrea_lovelace1843_analyticalengine.pdf}}. Martin Campbell-Kelly (Ed.): //The Works of Charles Babbage//. Vol. 3: The Analytical Engine and mechanical notation. \\ Pickering Londong, 1989. ISBN 1 85196 503 3. (contains a carefully edited reprint of the //Sketch//) John Walker has since years provided much material online: [[http://www.fourmilab.ch/babbage/contents.html]] In December 2015, a conference in Oxford (England) gave several new insights on Ada Lovelace; most of the contributions are still available as videos: \\ [[http://podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/ada-lovelace-symposium-celebrating-200-years-computer-visionary]] John Graham-Cumming has established the [[https://blog.plan28.org/|Plan 28 Blog]] where the progress in understanding the machine is reported. Based upon the Java-Version, there is a simulator for the Analytical Engine, of course programmed in ADA: [[https://github.com/simonjwright/analytical-engine]]